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Nov 2, 2023

Evalato’s application forms and fields update boosts user experience and data handling

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As part of our efforts to constantly improve the Evalato awards management system, we have released a new update that enables the use of form fields across multiple application forms. The change enhances the user experience for both customers and applicants and improves data handling in one fell swoop. 

Improved application form creation 

Evalato is introducing the use of an application field across multiple forms across all pricing plans, which has the following benefits for you and anyone from your team using the application submission software: 

  • More options for application form creation — in addition to having the option of creating brand new form fields, you are now able to use fields you have created for other application forms, complete with their respective settings; 
  • Ease of updating multiple forms — if you have used the same existing field in multiple application forms and need to change a setting, you only have to do this once, and the setting will be automatically applied to the field in all forms where it is used;  
  • Application name flexibility — you can now change the field used as the application name at any time, even after the submissions have ended.

All of the above will result in time and effort saved, especially for programs with a large number of categories using multiple application forms. 

Evalato Software Screenshot

Better data handling & visibility   

In addition to expanding the Evalato feature catalog, the new update also means better data handling, namely: 

  • Minimizing data loss risks — removing a field from a form now keeps all data unless you delete the field from the program. Additionally, changing the form of a category won’t result in data loss for existing submissions;
  • An improvement in application visibility — each application form field now features information on how many forms it is used in and in how many applications it has been completed, while you can easily keep track of both how many categories and applications have used a specific application form;
  • Better export data order — when you export your application data from Evalato, all data for the same fields will be in the same column in the export file.

More user-friendly experience for applicants 

Last but not least, the new submission management software update improves the experience for your program applicants, who now have the option to copy application data across their entries on the application portal with a simple click. This makes it a great time-saver in the case of programs with registrations with multiple entries in a variety of categories. 

Stay tuned for more 

As always, the Evalato team has something cooking so make sure to check in often. In the meantime, you can head over to Evalato to see for yourself how the new form fields update works, and if you have feedback on it (or anything else for that matter) — we’re just an email away.

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